Tuesday, October 4, 2011

National Council and JMP in Yemen deny Dialogue after UN envoy departure

 The Spokeswoman of National Council Ms. Horeah Mashhoor said “there is no dialogue between the Regime and Opposition after Ben Omer departure.
Mashhoor Called claims broadcasted by official media merely lies and deceptions to Yemeni people and Security Council.
In a statement broadcasted in Suhail Channel yesterday night Mashhower said “Saleh thwarted all efforts to reach an agreement, but the Security Council is to issue sanctions against the regime.”
“The only goal of regime’s media broadcast is to deceive Yemeni people and international community who become more aware of regime’s playing tactics” she said.

“Dialogue between Opposition and Regime ends with GCC initiative which was signed by opposition and ruling party, however rejected by Saleh” she added.

Mr. Mohammed Ghttan the spokesman of JMP denied any dialogue with the Regime after Ben Omer departure, and denounced claims broadcasted by regime’s media of continues dialogue after Ben Omer departure considering these lies are aimed to mislead public opinion and Security Council.
Ghttan confirmed that revolutionary escalation grinds on and will escalate till the victory of the peaceful revolution.
Source: Yemen Fox
Yemen Fox is the mouthpiece of General Ali Mohsen the commander of the defected army

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