Monday, September 26, 2011

France Will Not Stand Idly

Source: Yemen Post
France came out yesterday with another strong statement against the Yemeni regime. Bernard Valero, the Foreign Ministry’s main spokesman declared to the press that “the violence witnessed in Yemen over the few days was unacceptable”.
He later added that “France would not stand idly” while unarmed citizens were being slaughtered. The Ministry also urged foreign nations to take a stronger stance against such barbaric methods, stressing that “one could not stand by with its arms folded anymore.
” Unlike other European nations which so far have only tittered around the matter, not wanting to strongly decry the regime for his crackdown methods, France has been nothing but clear as to where it stood in regards to Human Rights violations.
Back in March, when the “Arab Spring” was at its peak, Alain Juppe, France’s Foreign Minister called on Saleh to immediately step down, saying that “his presidency was clearly at an end” and that “him remaining president of Yemen wasn’t feasible anymore”.
This remark actually threw a chilly wind over Yemen and France relations, as president Saleh is said not to have appreciated the comment. France is now urging Saleh to sign the GCC proposal enouncing the terms of Yemen’s power transfer and “to shoulder his responsibilities towards Yemen.”

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